Scots Heraldry - The Heraldry
Society of Scotland |
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West Highland Heraldry
A Closer Look at
West Highland Heraldry - by Alastair Campbell of Airds -
Unicorn Pursuivant of Arms
(Now Islay Herald Extraordinary) |
It is often
claimed that the Scottish form of heraldry is the purest in
the world both in form and in regulation Well, so it is, up to
a point - that is, until it meets the West Highlands which, as
so often, have their own ways of doing things. In this case a
pretty odd way of doing things as will appear. Academic
historians tend to disdain both heraldry and genealogy. In my
view this is a mistake. Few people would claim that Heraldry
is conclusive historical evidence - but if it doesn't always
prove who people actually are, it may well show who they
thought they were or, at least, who they would like to be!
And whatever
critics may say, heraldry is intensely symbolic and allows its
users to make statements which can be clearly recognisable and
which can offer a valuable sidelight on history. |
At an early stage
I must pay tribute to Mr Roger Pye, author of a notable series of
articles in The Coat of Arms and the first, I believe, to draw
attention to this particular form of heraldic usage. Sadly,
in what follows, evidence is spasmodic although a reasonably clear
progression is visible. The use of heraldry in the West Highlands
was for long scantily recorded - which is not to say that it was
not in constant use - and Heralds' Rolls often show what had been
in use or what their compilers thought should have been in use,
while tombstone carvers, while contemporary, often show a
considerable degree of independence. What, for instance, are we to
make of the tombstone of Campbell of Achaworran on Lismore, a
cadet of the Campbells of Inverawe, who, instead of the six salmon
on the border of that coat, is given only two? Is this a genuine
difference or was there a squabble over the stonemason's fee or
was it a particularly filthy day when the lure of the pub proved
irresistible ?
Probably seals
are the best evidence - they are contemporary and there is no
doubt of their being used. But there are all too few of them.
The Definition of West Highland Heraldry |
West Highland
Heraldry is characterised by the use of quartered arms and by
the repetitive use of one or more of a number of highly
symbolic charges.
These are: |
Lion Rampant
The use of
quartering is of course usual practice to denote dynastic marriage
but this is not the case here: it is a more general connection and
the term coined for it is "totemic". There is also frequent
use of rocks and castles but these can be traced in nearly every
case to the actual ownership or keepership of identifiable sites.
So it is that in the West Highlands and Islands we find this kind
of coat in use today for a wide range of families, among them the
Clan Dougall, the Clan Donald, the Macleans of Duart and the
Maclaines of Lochbuie, the MacNeils of Barra and the McNeills of
Gigha, the MacLachlans and of course their various cadets. |
Maclean of Duart
MacAlister of Tarbert
MacNeill of Gigha
MacNeil of Barra
Nor is this
all since the practice is also adopted by the Clan Chattan
where, apart from Mackintosh himself, it has long been used by
the Farquharsons, the MacGillivrays, the Macphersons and
others. |
Shaw of Tordarroch
Maclean of Dochgarroch
(cadet) MacGillivray
But its
adoption was by no means general in the area; it does not
appear in the arms of such potentates as Macleod of Macleod or
Macleod of the Lewes, Matheson, Mackenzie, or Cameron of
Locheil while the use of the galley as a quartering in the
arms of the Campbell Duke of Argyll and Earl of Breadalbane is
the normal commemoration of marriage with heraldic heiresses.
(The transfer of the actual Lordship of Lorne was a commercial
transaction but this does not alter the above fact). |
© The Heraldry Society of
Scotland last Update
27 Oct 2021 |