The Heraldry Society of Scotland is
pleased to announce the publication of The Heraldry of the
Ecclesiastical Deans of Scotland, with financial support from the
Strathmartine Trust and the Diocese of Brechin. This book complements
The Heraldry of the Bishops of Scotland (published by the Society in
2018), providing a single reference source for the coats of arms used by
the Scottish ecclesiastical deans from the late thirteenth century up to
the present day. The two books form a companion set, so duplication is
kept to a minimum, particularly in respect of the one-third of deans who
went on to become bishops.
This new book covers the pre-Reformation deans of the secular cathedral
chapters (and their equivalents in the monastic establishments and the
island dioceses), the diocesan deans of the Church of Scotland
1560-1689, the post-1689 deans and provosts of the Scottish Episcopal
Church, and the post-1878 provosts and administrators of the Scottish
Roman Catholic Church, as well as the deans of the Chapel Royal, the
deans of the Order of the Thistle, and the deans of the mediaeval
collegiate churches. The prebends of the pre-Reformation deans and their
connection with the Church of Scotland diocesan deans are described in
an appendix. A further appendix provides details of bishops’ arms that
have come to light since the publication of The Heraldry of the Bishops
of Scotland in 2018. The Deans book follows the same format as the
Bishops book, providing details of seals, discussion of family
background and heraldry and brief descriptions of clerical career, as
well as illustrations of armorial carvings, bookplates, stained glass,
Over 200 deans are included in this work which will be a limited
edition. The volume is A4 size, hardbound, 196 pages long, with full
colour illustrations and will continue the series of publications by the
Society. The price will be £20, plus postage & packing.
Please Note - All Cheques made payable to the Society must be
in UK Pounds Only.
If you would rather pay by bank transfer, the account details are:
RBS, Edinburgh, St Andrew's
sort code: 83-06-08
account no: 00175911
The IBAN numbers are:
IBAN no: GB50 RBOS 8306
0800 1759 11
BIC reference: RBOSGB2L |